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  • Writer's pictureAlex Levin

The Power of Peanuts: How Moms Can Help Prevent Peanut Allergies

Imagine being able to help protect your baby from peanut allergies just by eating peanuts. Recent research suggests that moms who eat a moderate amount of peanuts while breastfeeding might be giving their babies this kind of protection. Let’s explore the power of peanuts and how this simple dietary choice could benefit your baby.


Sharing Peanuts, Sharing Protection

A study published in the Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology found that moms who consumed a moderate amount of peanuts—less than 5 grams per week—while breastfeeding were more likely to pass on some protection against peanut allergies to their babies. Interestingly, moms who ate a lot of peanuts or none at all didn’t seem to offer the same protective benefits. This suggests that moderation might be the key when it comes to the power of peanuts.

Power of Peanuts: The Science Behind Peanut Protection

Researchers at MyOr studied 303 infants from the LEAP trial, all of whom were at high risk for peanut allergies due to egg allergies or severe eczema. The babies were grouped based on how many peanuts their moms ate: no peanuts, less than 5 grams per week, and 5 grams or more per week.

The study found a clear connection between a mom’s peanut consumption during pregnancy and breastfeeding and her baby’s risk of developing a peanut allergy. Moms who ate a moderate amount of peanuts during breastfeeding significantly helped protect their babies from peanut sensitivity by the time they were 60 months old.

A table full with peanuts

Other Factors to Consider

The study also looked at other factors that could influence peanut sensitivity and allergies, such as ethnicity, skin prick test results, and maternal peanut consumption during breastfeeding. Interestingly, factors like birth weight, gestational age, delivery method, and the duration of breastfeeding didn’t seem to have a significant impact on the risk of developing a peanut allergy. This highlights the unique power of peanuts in this context.

Baby undergoing a skin prick test for peanut sensitivity, emphasizing the role of maternal peanut consumption.


The power of peanuts might offer breastfeeding moms a simple way to help protect their babies from peanut allergies. By consuming a moderate amount of peanuts during breastfeeding, moms could be giving their infants a better chance at avoiding peanut sensitization. While these findings are promising, they are just the beginning. Researchers are continuing to explore how different dietary choices and feeding methods can impact infant allergies. The journey of understanding the relationship between motherhood, peanuts, and allergies continues!


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